NCECA 2012

46th Annual Conference: On the Edge
March 28-31, 2012 Seattle, Washington

Time for National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, this is a great event and if you like me are stuck at home, dream on by flicking through the pages of its program


Anita Besson in Milan

La Galleria Officine Saffi di Milano celebra il talento e la passione di Anita Besson, personaggio chiave della ceramica inglese, collezionista e proprietaria della mitica Galerie Besson.

Officine Saffi in Milan celebrates the work and passion of Anita Besson, collector and owner of the one and only Galerie Besson ( now closed).


Ron Nagle at Pierre Marie Giraud

Ron Nagle 
Odd Ball,  EXHIBITION April 6 - May 5, 2012
Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud
7, rue de Praetere
1050 Brussels | Belgium
T +32 2 503 0351
F +32 2 503 0352  

American ceramic sculptor, musician and songwriter Ron Nagle exhibits at Galerie Pierre Marie Giraud
 A catalogue will be published in conjunction with this exhibition.


Ceramics at Affordable Art Fair London

Mi diverte come le ceramiche e i ceramisti spuntano in luoghi differenti, e si fanno notare. Queste teste di Johan Thunell presenti all'Affordable Art Fair di Londra sono state pubblicate sul sito del prestigioso quotidiano The Guardian on-line tra dodici che rappresentavano il mondo in 24 ore.

Sempre all' AAF altre teste di Sara Scott.

Intresting how ceramics and ceramists come up in diverse places, here are some examples at the Affordable Art Fair (great and fun initiative!) in Battersea Park. These heads by Johan Thunell appeared in The Guardian selection of the  of the best images from around the world.24 hours in pictures

These other heads are from Sara Scott at AAF 


John Pollex at Contemporary Ceramics Centre




The words WHITE - GOLD - CHINA build an associative chain. Each term generates its own memories. The achromatic color white stands for purity - innocence - virginity - infinity.

Gold, the noble metal with his unique flair - wealth. Porcelain - the white gold is a special material in contemporary jewelry. The unusual technique to burn china with silver
, chains to be made of porcelain and the virtuosity of the ramification in silver.

Anna Kiryakova (BG), Violaine Ulmer (F) and Zwetelina Alexieva (BG) show works on the subject.

The vernissage will take place Sunday the 11th March 2012 12:00 to 19:00 in the workshop gallery of contemporary jewelery and design - Ariane Hartmann on the Eppenhauserstr. 14, 58093 Hagen.
Exhibition period: 11 March 2012 - 28th April 2012



non avevo avuto il tempo di guardare la lista dei film in concorso al Fifav ...WOW ! (questo è solamente il sabato !)
List of film to be sceen at Fifav ...WOW (this is only saturday !!)

Mar de Fang I Agusti Torres & Luis Ortas
I Espagne I 2005 I Documentaire I 58' ARGILE
Né en 1957 à Majorque, Miquel Barceló est aujourd’hui une figure
majeure du monde de l’art contemporain.« Mar de Fang » retrace
la genèse de l’un de ses plus ambitieux projets : la réalisation,
entre 2001 et 2005 d’un gigantesque mural de céramique de 300
m² et de cinq vitraux pour la cathédrale de Majorque.
 Site internet de Miquel Barceló :
 Site internet de la production :
Being with clay I Tan Hongyu I Chine I 2011 I Documentaire I 42’ ARGILE
Les poteries de la minorité Li en Chine sont fabriquées selon une
technique remontant à l’âge Néolithique. Yang Bailiang, potière
agée de 85 ans est l’une des rares héritières de ces traditions
ancestrales qui disparaissent progressivement au contact avec la
civilisation industrielle. Elle nous ouvre les portes de son atelier.
© Tan Hongyu

Deconstructing Art A Nebraska Story I K. Rush & B. Seifferlain I USA I 2011 I Documentaire I 7’ ARGILE
© Net Television, Lincoln NE, USA
Dans ce documentaire, nous suivons l’élaboration « à rebours »
d’une sculpture du céramiste Ryan LaBar en commençant par sa
présentation dans le salon d’un collectionneur privé pour
remonter à son état originel dans l’atelier de l’artiste : une motte
de terre.
 Site internet de la production :

Le gnome potier I Benjamin Verrier I France I 2011 I Fiction / Documentaire I 15' ARGILE
© Verrier Benjamin
Dans ce film entre fiction et documentaire, on suit la vie
quotidienne d’un potier solitaire dans la montagne. La routine de
travail de cet homme nous démontrera que le quotidien peut être
une aventure.

Clay in Yijing I Jin Baoliang & Lu Bin I Chine I 2011 I Documentaire I 18’ ARGILE
© Jin Baoliang & Lu Bin
Situés autrefois au Nord de la Chine antique, les fours de Cizhou
étaient les plus grands systèmes de fours à céramique non
gouvernementaux. Les premières poteries de Cizhou Yao datent
de la dynastie Sui. Elles étaient alors utilisées comme vaisselle
quotidienne. Aujourd'hui, elles servent encore à la cuisson des
médicaments traditionnels.

China Heartbeat I Yulin Liu I Chine I 2011 I Documentaire I 17' ARGILE
Le triple marteauLpilon de Jingdezhen, actionné grâce à un moulin
à eau, est l'un des trésors de cette capitale de la porcelaine. Alors
qu’autour de lui les temps changent et la ville se développe, il
pilonne inlassablement le kaolin, sous l’oeil attentif de son
Trees of Life l Lisa Orr & Troy Lanier l EtatsLUnis l 2011 l Documentaire l 42’ ARGILE
Au Mexique, l'arbre de vie en céramique est emblématique de
l’art populaire mexicain. Puisant ses origines dans des objets
usuels tels que les brûleurs d'encens cérémoniaux ou les
candélabres, les arbres de vie sont des sculptures à la narration
incroyablement détaillée du minuscule au gigantesque.
 Site internet du film :

Argile I Marie Delaruelle I France I 2010 I Documentaire I 29' ARGILE
© Réunion 3 L Marie Delaruelle
Depuis plus de 60 ans, les doigts de Robert Canut s'enfoncent
dans l'argile brune et flasque, pétrissent, écrasent, modèlent,
sculptent, cisaillent la matière lisse avec de rudimentaires petits
outils de bois et font surgir visages et postures familières du
patrimoine provençal : les santons.
 Site internet de Marie Delaruelle :

Uczta I Adam Abel I Pologne I 2010 I Expérimental I 5’ ARGILE
© Adam Abel
En résidence pendant trois semaine dans une usine d’isolants de
céramique, Adam Abel a observé l’élimination quotidienne de
centaines de déchets de porcelaine. Ce film est une réflexion sur
le monde industriel, et son invariable cycle de production.
Site Internet d’Adam Abel :
My life as a plate I Joris Brouwers I Belgique I 2011 I Expérimental I 10’ ARGILE
© Joris Brouwers
Un voyage à travers le travail céramique de Lot Lemm, également
scénographe et costumière de la troupe de théâtre belge
NeedCompagny, vu par les yeux du réalisateur Joris Brouwers.
Site internet de NeedCompagny :

Earth Rising I Sarah Shuraki & Chen Heifetz I Israël I 2011 I Animation I 2’ ARGILE
Ce film d’animation nous amène à réfléchir sur le matériau
originel qui a précédé la création de l’Homme : l’argile. En
Hébreu, « alei » (rising) signifie « élévation », et « Adamot »
(earth) représente l’homme, la terre et le monde.

Hubert Barrère et le Saint Sein Bol l Colette Chevrier l France l 2010 l Documentaire l 13’ ARGILE
© Colette Chevrier
Inspiré par le Bol Sein de MarieLAntoinette et la Vierge de Melun,
Hubert Barrère, créateur haute couture, marie porcelaine de
Sèvres et broderies pour la Vierge de Sèvres, fruit d’un étroit
partenariat entre Maison Parisienne, Sèvres Cité de la Céramique,
la Maison Hurel, et l'Atelier Geneviève Carrasco.
Site Internet d’Hubert Barrère :

Barthélémy Toguo à Sèvres l Thierry Spitzer l France l 2011 l Documentaire l 13’ ARGILE
© Thierry Spitzer
Du dessin à l'oeuvre terminée, on suit en compagnie de l'artiste et
des techniciens de Sèvres toutes les étapes de la réalisation et de
la fabrication des vases décorés par Barthélémy Toguo à
l'invitation de David Caméo.
Site de Bartélémy Toguo :

Tierra Brillante I J. L. Figueroa Lewis & S. Diaz Aguirre I Mexique I 2011 I Documentaire I 93' ARGILE

© Galatea audio/visual
Au Mexique, Herlinda, potière Purepecha, fait face à de
nombreuses difficultés pour vendre ses pièces. Elle fait partie des
quelques artisans qui refusent d’utiliser les émaux au plomb. Elle
reçoit un jour une invitation à se rendre au Folk Art Market de
Santa Fe, aux EtatsLUnis…
Site Internet du film :


V&A Ceramics Residency

The V&A is inviting applications from UK-based studio ceramicists who wish to develop their practice in designing and making ceramics through working with the V&A’s collections and through public engagement activities.

The Residency will be based in a purpose-built studio in the Ceramics galleries, at the V&A in London. This is part of an exciting new programme of residencies specifically situated in the Ceramics galleries. This Residency will take place over a six-month period from October 2012 –March 2013 in London.

£ 8400 (Bursary)

Deadline for applications – Midnight, 12 April 2012
Interview date – Friday 4th May, V&A, South Kensington



I TALENTI DELLA CERAMICA - generazioni a confronto

Giovani talenti della ceramica e maestri affermati, mettono a confronto la loro straordinaria ricerca artistica.
Il lungo programma d'incontri ha inizio dal 17 Marzo 2012 e terminerà il 5 Gennaio 2014, presso il Museo Civico della Ceramica di Nove (VI).


Festival international du film sur l’argile et le verre.

L'ottava edizione del Festival Internazionale dei film sulla ceramica e sul vetro si terrà il 30,31 Marzo e il 1 aprile a Montepellier. Un modo diverso per ammirare la bellezza della ceramica, le incredibili tecniche di lavorazione e l'affascinante vita degli artisti che la lavorano

The 8th edition of the International film festival on clay and glass will be held on 30, 31 March and 1 April 2012 in Montpellier.

(Re)discover clay and glass and immerse yourself in the world of these fire-based arts through film: 2 days of film screenings, interspersed with meet ups and exchanges between professionals and amateurs from all over the world... And the opening evening on the 30th of March with a screening of films on major art personalities from of the 20th century who had worked in the field of ceramic at one point in their lives.

CLIP FIFAV 2012 por AteliersdArtdeFrance


Anne Mette Hjortshoj Exhibition at Goldmark

click here for more

We are delighted to invite you to our Anne Mette Hjortshoj Exhibition which starts on Saturday 31st March.  Anne Mette will be flying over from Denmark to attend the opening. A 64 page monograph will be available with essay by Phil Rogers and documentary dvd (£10 + p&p or free to all those who attend).
The work is now with us and available to view at the gallery.
You can pre-order our monograph with complimentary dvd documentary by calling us on +44 (0)1572 821424 or by contacting us here.


Gustavo Perez @ Erskine Hall & Coe

Certo i blogger della moda sono ormai delle star, ma anche noi esseri molto meno trendy abbiamo le nostre piccole soddisfazioni. Per esempio, nei giorni scorsi  mi è arrivato per posta il catalogo della nuova mostra di Gustavo Perez alla Erskine Hall & Coe di Londra. E' bello quando viene riconosciuto il tuo lavoro anche se non appartieni a nessun "gruppo", grazie !
Ora a noi:
Gustavo Pérez è un ceramista messicano che crea vasi dalle strutture semplici ed eleganti, spesso lambite da tagli superficiali che lasciano intravedere uno strato più profondo. In continua evoluzione, il suo lavoro mantiene il carattere essenziale che lo contraddistingue la pulizia delle line e la precisione della forma.
In questa nuova mostra vedo tanto Miró

Thanks to the lovely people at  Erskine Hall & Coe I can admire Gustavo Perez's new works without taking a plane. Well it's not exactly the same thing, but has the added value of great gift . Thanks !!

Gustavo Pérez is mexican ceramist that makes vessels that are simple and elegant, often incised by precised lines that reveal an underneath layer. His work is constantly evolving though remaining faithful to the cleanness and smoothness of  the forms. I see a lot of Miró


14 March - 5 April
"In the eleven years since Gustavo Pérez ‘s work last graced a London gallery his voice has become more distinctive, the use of colour more exciting, his love of music more evident in his work. These new pots retain his great sense of precision and skill, yet with an increased sense of rhythm, tension and muscularity. There is a willingness to take risks."

14 March to 05 April


Out of Sync, Fernando Casasempere

Out of Sync
16 March – 27 April 2012
The Edmond J. Safra Fountain Court

Somerset House, London
Nuova installazione dell'artista cileno Fernando Casasempere nel cortile della Somerset House di Londra. Un campo di fiori segnarà l'inizio della primavera, 10.000 narcisi in ceramica ci ricorderanno della magnifica forza della natura.
Dal 1991 Casasempere lavora con gli scarti della produzione ceramica.

London based Chilean artist Fernando Casasempere’s large scale courtyard installation recreates the joy we feel at the site of blossoming daffodils signalling the end of winter and the beginning of spring. 10,000 ceramic daffodils, placed in a naturalistic setting within The Edmond J. Safra Fountain Court, will remind us of the wonder and accuracy of nature’s clock, against the backdrop of an ever changing environment.
Since 1991 Casasempere has been working with clay that is a by-product from industrial processes.


The Clayer, E-courses

Ho trovato in rete una nuova iniziativa che riguarda i corsi di ceramica. I corsi on-line, sono una realtà per molte discipline ma tradizionalmente sembravano vietati ad una materia così fisica come la ceramica. In realtà i corsi on-line risolvono diversi problemi come quello del costo dello spostamento, e danno la possibilità di frequentare classi con artisti che si trovano dall'altra parte del mondo su argomenti specifici che ci interessano.
La ceramista Diana Fayt (che vive e lavora a San Francisco) offre un corso della durata di 6 settimane sulla decorazione, il corso è già iniziatiato ma si può ancora aderire dato che si svolge attraverso video che vengono inviati settimanalmente. Gli studenti posso inviare foto durante la realizzazione delle tecniche e essere corretti individualmente da Diana.
Sarei curiosa di provare...

I am very curious about this on-line course given by San Francisco based Diana Fayt, I wonder what is like...
It has the great advantage of cutting the costs and gives you the great chance to learn new techniques from someone that lives on the other side of the world. 
The course has started by you can still join:

"The Clayer, Part One: Surfacing, will be a place to learn how to create rich and dynamic surfaces on clay. The course will run for six weeks from February 27th, through April 8th, 2012.  During the six weeks we will cover various surface applications on clay such as: mishima inlay, monoprinting on clay, carving and printing with your own block prints. We will explore using unusual objects as printing tools as well as learn how to other clay drawing media such as underglaze pencils."
