Christmas Presents

Il natale si avvicina e comincio a pensare a quello che mi piacerebbe ricevere. Il nuovo libro di Edmund de Waal è in cima alla lista, devo ammettere che non ho ancora terminato il suo titolo precedente "the Hare with the Amber Eyes" ma trattava di ceramica e mi sento scusata. Questa nuova uscita è "The Pot Book" un libro che documenta la storia della ceramica attraverso gli artisti, le scuole, gli stili. Organizzato in maniera alfabetica "The Pot Book" sarà un prezioso compagno da consultare nei preziosi momenti liberi.

Christmas is getting closer and I am already thinking of what I'd like to find wrapped under the tree.
"The Pot Book" the new book from acclaimed author and elegant potter Edmund de Waal is surely on my wish list. Edited by Phaidon (can't go wrong!) this book is a great documentation of the art of ceramics. I've already made the space on my bedside table !!!

"The history of ceramic art is ingrained in the history of mankind. Clay is one of the very first materials 'invented' by man. An essential part of our lives it has been moulded, thrown, glazed, decorated and fired for over 30,000 years in order to preserve and transport food and water. And it was on the surface of these early jugs, vases, dishes, plates, beakers and amphorae that man placed some of his first decorative markings. In more recent times clay has been used not just by artisans and potters, but also by artists, designers and architects. The Pot Book is the first publication to document the extraordinary range and variety of ceramic vessels of all periods, from a delicate bowl made by an unnamed artisan in China in the third millennium bc, or a jug made in eighteenth-century Dresden, to a plate made by Picasso in 1952, a 'spade form' made by Hans Coper or the vases of Grayson Perry today. Each entry is sequenced in alphabetical order by the name of the artist/potter, the school, or style, creating a grand tour through the very finest examples of the artform."

Phaidon Press Ltd


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