Contemporary Japanese Ceramics in Rome

La ceramica giapponese contemporanea del MIC di Faenza in trasferta a Roma
Dewa Eri
Il Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche espone all'IstitutoGiapponese di Cultura una selezione di 40 opere premiate al "Concorso della Ceramica d’Arte contemporanea - Premio Faenza" dal 1964.

Dal 26 marzo al 25 maggio una quarantina di pezzi realizzati da artisti giapponesi dagli anni ’60 ad oggi e appartenenti alla collezione del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza saranno esposti a Roma all'Istituto Giapponese di Cultura in Italia in una mostra dal titolo "Ceramica giapponese in Italia: il Premio Faenza. Opere dalle Collezioni del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza” organizzata per celebrare il 50° anniversario della fondazione dell’Istituto.

Inaugurazione il 26 marzo con conferenza a cura di Claudia Casali, direttrice del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza.
Fino al 25 maggio.


From Pottery to Plastic, Tolfa

Event for ceramics in Tolfa (Italy) 2013: From pottery to “plastic”

Cultural Association “Chirone” and Laboratorio Boschivo (Pirjo Eronen and Pietro Matarese) are organizing in collaboration with Municipality of Tolfa and Centro Studi Italo-Norvegese in Tolfa a ceramic event called From pottery to “plastic” at the museum of Tolfa 25.5.-23.6. 2013 which includes an exhibition, conferences and workshops. We have invited to participate this event more than 20 ceramists, restorers of ceramics, experts, organisations, cultural operators from Italy, Norway and Finland. The conferences are hold on Saturday and on Sunday (25.5. and 26.5.), the opening ceremony will be on Saturday 25th at 6 p.m. Workshops are organized during the weekends on June; ceramic for children 8.6./9.6., paperclay workshop held by Professor Rebecca Hutchinson from University of Massachusetts United Sates 8.6./9.6. and raku workshop 15.6./16.6./22.6. Our intend is to create a bridge between the tradition and the modern ceramic, have dialogue with ceramic artists from the North and the South and share experiences. It will be also an opportunity to reflect about the future of ceramic art; how have we arrived from the pottery to the plastic? Tolfa will be a “meeting point”.

Evento per le ceramica in Tolfa 2013: From pottery to “plastic” (Dalla ceramica alla “plastica”)
Con la collaborazione dell’ Associazione “Chirone”, Laboratorio Boschivo, Comune di Tolfa e Centro Studi Italo-Norvegese si terrà un evento per la ceramica nel periodo di maggio - giugno 2013 (25.5.-23.6.2013) nel Museo di Tolfa. Abbiamo invitati a partecipare in questo evento più di 20 ceramisti, restauratori, operatori culturali, esperti e appassionati di ceramica dall’ Italia, da Finlandia e da Norvegia. Si organizza una mostra di ceramica contemporanea (durata un mese) che viene inaugurata 25. maggio ore 18.00, conferenze (sabato e domenica 25.5. e 26.5.) su ceramica antica, contemporaneo e restauro della ceramica. In mese di Giunio durante fine settimane si organizzano dei workshop; laboratorio di ceramica per bambini 8.6./9.6., paperclay workshop 8.6/.9.6.(ospite di onore professore Rebecca Huchinson) e laboratorio di ceramica raku 15.6./16.6./22.6.
Nostra intenzione è di creare un dialogo fra ceramisti da sud e da nord, condividere degli esperienze e modi di lavorare, e anche un opportunità di riflettere sul futuro della ceramica; come siamo arrivati dalla ceramica alla plastica? Vogliamo che Tolfa sia un punto di incontro di tutto questo.


Out of this world, Roma

Galleria “Il Laboratorio”
Via del moro, 49 00153-Roma

Pittura e ceramica contemporanea
Dal 26 al 31 marzo 2013
Vernissage 26 marzo 2013 ore 18,30


Leena Knuuttila e Sabine Pagliarulo mettono in scena una visione quasi onirica della Natura,
lontano dalle contaminazioni della vita quotidiana, in un mix creativo da “respirare” per nutrire

Orario di apertura: 18-22,30

Free admittance

Per info evento: 333-6678631

Artisti: Leena Knuuttila

Sabine Pagliarulo


Pittura e Ceramica Contemporanea

Di Leena Knuuttila e Sabine Pagliarulo

Le opere di Leena Knuuttila e Sabine Pagliarulo prendono possesso di questa piccola galleria nel
cuore di Roma mettendo in scena una visione quasi onirica della Natura.

Un “giardino segreto”, un’onda di emozioni , di sensibilità poetica, lontano dalle contaminazioni
della vita quotidiana, dove l’argilla dialoga con la pittura in un continuo scambio di energie:
contrasti materici e giochi di luce e colore si combinano in armonia, con la semplicità estetica che
da sempre le contraddistingue.

Boccioli, Conchiglie, Madrepore, forme organiche che accompagnano lo schiudersi della vita per
Sabine, colori tenui che ricordano i tramonti finlandesi e figure quasi aeree come in una visione
per Leena, e il sogno di queste due artiste prende forma in un mix creativo da “respirare” per
nutrire l’anima.


Crazy Teapot Vallauris





CRAZY TEAPOT Competition

An international competition  will be held from February 15th,  2013.(deadline 15th April)

The aim is to create a unique piece with a lot of fantasy but also with all the usual characteristics of the teapot.

The piece will be judged on several criteria:

- originality
- aesthetic
- functionality

The jury for the awards will be selected from the Contemporary Art actors  (artists – critics – art historians – gallerists …) but also in the institutional environment.

An exhibition will be held in the C k’OMSA  gallery  in July and August, which will allow the public to vote.

An opening is scheduled at the beginning of the exhibition and the awards ceremony, in September.


Jean-Nicolas Gérard

At Goldmark Gallery an exhibition beginning Saturday 27th April 2013, featuring ceramics by leading French potter Jean-Nicolas Gérard.
Widely regarded as the potter’s potter, Gérard makes freely thrown and decorated domestic ware.
Jean-Nicolas was born in Brazzaville (Congo) in 1954. He returned to France in 1961. He started studying ceramics in 1978 and was Jean Biagini’s student at Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Aix-en-Provence. He also trained with Claire Bogino.
His work has now gained international acclaim. He is regularly invited internationally for workshops or residencies and has exhibited in USA, Australia, China and Japan.

  • Goldmark Gallery, 14 Orange Street,
    Uppingham, Rutland,
    LE15 9SQ, UK


The Lab, Roma


Ceramic Art London 2013

CAL 2013 is coming a bit later than usual, the doors of the Royal College will be opening on the 12th of April. Warmer climate and a every year renewed program are a great temptation. Great artists are participating and the experience is enriched by the wonderful lectures exploring the diverse world of ceramics.

It would be a pity to miss it !
Jin Eui Kim

Ceramic Art London 2013 is the major selling fair for contemporary studio ceramics at the Royal College of Art on 12 April to 14 April 2013.

Ceramic Art London 2013 provides a unique showcase for contemporary studio ceramics featuring work from leading national and international makers.
Discover and buy work from over 75 leading contemporary ceramic artists
Enjoy an integrated education programme of talks, demonstrations and films designed to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of studio ceramics
Talent spot young emerging ceramic artists from the Royal College of Art
If you are a Collector, gallery owner, potter or enthusiast and want to see the best in contemporary studio ceramics check out our visitor registration page to receive regular updates on Ceramic Art London 2013.


Wouter Dam at Puls

Wouter Dam    2/03/13 > 4/04/13 at Puls Ceramics

The renowned Dutch ceramic sculptor Wouter Dam creates objects that are minimalist at first glance. Yet they are always complex and intriguing, leading the eye around soft curves and sharp edges and pleasing in a meditative way. Every new object Dam creates is unique. While all appear to be subtle variations on a same theme, each one is different from all that have gone before.
Dam confesses to being obsessed with the sculptural side of clay yet he still uses many traditional pottery methods such as throwing on a potter’s wheel to create his sculptures. His abstract ceramic sculptures are the result of a quest that started with traditional pots altered with minimalist intent. Over the years, they slowly became more open and complex and now consist only of curling strips of clay, barely disclosing the essential “potness” and “bowlness” of their forebears. In spite of appearances, one can still trace back the making process of the pieces to the potter’s wheel. Colors are chosen to enhance the sculpture; the pigments are sprayed onto the surface, adding nothing more than is necessary.

Puls Ceramics
19 rue du Page (Châtelain)
B-1050 Brussels
+32 494 83 60 55
