Art Jewels, Milano

Officine Saffi presenta una ricercata esposizione di preziosi gioielli artistici in ceramica.
L’esibizione che sarà inaugurata giovedì 29 novembre alle ore 18.30 rimarrà aperta al pubblico fino al 18 gennaio 2013.

Contemporary Art Jewels - ceramica da indossare - presenta una selezione di gioielli di 15 artisti internazionali. Propone una raffinata ricerca di gioielli contemporanei in ceramica, oggetti resi unici dall’abilità e dal genio degli artisti. Forme, colori, dettagli che stupiscono per la varietà dei risultati. Veri e propri gioielli d’arte, ceramica da indossare e da regalare.


Puls Ceramics for Christmas


Mirso Denicolò, La città verticale

Mirco Denicolò
La città Verticale - un'opera per Keramos

Sabato 24 Novembre alle ore 19.00
Keramos Associazione Culturale
Via Rubattino, 3 - Roma


Rafa Perez, beautiful video


Paolo Polloniato, Jeux de Corps


Paola Lumbroso Présente
 « Jeux de Corps »
Dominique Douieb - photographe
Paolo Polloniato  - céramiste

En présence des artistes
Galerie A.Gombert
10, rue de la Grange Batelière, 75009 Paris
Métro Richelieu-Drouot
Du lundi au samedi de 11h à 19h

contact: : 06 07 22 80 72


Winter Programme, New Ashgate Gallery,

Winter Programme of Exhibitions, New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham
Winter Contemporary Craft and Fine Art Collection
PRIVATE VIEW: 16 November, 6-8pm - all welcome!

A must see Christmas show for all novice and expert collectors of art and craft. All work is handmade, making it unique and environmentally friendly. You are sure to find a perfect gift. "Absolutely excellent!!" Rob Swift

Known for selecting contemporary craft and fine art of the highest quality and skill, the gallery has selected many of our makers at major events such as Collect, Art in Clay, Art in Action, Rising Stars and the Festival of Crafts. The exh
ibition presents both established and emerging makers, and supports their practice by ensuring their work is visible to collectors. We are delighted to introduce ceramics by Cressida Borrett; Emily Hall; Paul Jackson; Eliza Jayne Simpson; Dave Rogers; Jan Lewin- Cadogan and Matt Sherratt, and jewellery by Adele Beuscher; Annie Cracknell; Christine Davies; Kathryn Hinton and Cathy Sutherland.


Cinzia Catena a Roma

Sabato 17 novembre 2012 ore 19, verrà inaugurata a Roma la nuova mostra della ceramista Cinzia Catena, presso lo spazio d’arte Makemake (via del Boschetto 121).
La mostra rimarrà aperta sino al 30 novembre (dal martedì al sabato 10,30-13/16,30-20)
Per info: Cinzia Catena TERRACROMATA Studio d'Arte Ceramica : Via Tembien 9-13 Roma Tel.06 8607116 -3337970882


Svend Bayer at Goldmark

Svend Bayer - Artist Profile
 "Born in Uganda in 1946 to Danish parents, Svend Bayer spent his childhood in Tanganyika. It was during his time at university that Bayer discovered pottery, and a gift from his girlfriend of Bernard Leach’s A Potters Book introduced him to the pots of Michael Cardew. On leaving university Bayer wrote to Cardew, and after being invited for an interview, was taken on. Bayer took inspiration from the village potteries in Southeast Asia, streamlining their practices and using his focus and determination to produce pots at high speed to fill his huge kiln. His work is held in major collections worldwide. He has received the John Ruskin award, held workshops all over the world and had residencies in America & Australia." Goldmark Gallery Goldmark Gallery, 14 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9SQ, UK
Making Large Pots by Svend Bayer from on Vimeo.


Sara Flynn, Erskine Hall & Coe, London

14 November to 06 December

Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd


How artists locate themselves within a wider community of practice may bring insight to their inspiration as well as some of the imperatives that sustain them.  Sara Flynn belongs to a generation of Irish ceramic artists who are confidently engaging with an international audience and whose work stylistically is far removed from the rustic traditional crafts, which are often closely associated with tourism and in Ireland are charged with a particularly powerful cultural/national identity.  It is then surprising to learn that Flynn is not from the city but works in picturesque rural isolation on the very western edge of Europe.   As many Irish have done she looks westward to the future, her work and life style being a measure of how heterogeneous craft practice has become.  Her pots are not emblematic of a rural idyll nor in any conscious way are they influenced by the visual landscape in which she works.  There is however a relationship between Flynn’s vessels and the place she chooses to make them.  It is not a topographical relationship but the quality of solitude that supports focused reflection so necessary for some kinds of art practice.

Flynn’s work reveals some of the characteristics of Hans Coper’s work; a potter she has greatly admired throughout her ceramic career.  There is an obsessive passion for clay’s unique qualities, a sustaining fascination with the “thingness” of vessels as abstract forms largely unrelated to utilitarian pots which serve our bodily needs.  Coper’s famous thought that he was: ”like a demented piano tuner seeking the perfect pitch” is an appropriate way to understand Flynn’s practice relaying as it does on just a few key element.

All Flynn’s work is thrown porcelain.  With modernist concerns such as truth to material and process we are used to ‘read’ how things are made.  We are familiar with the ‘vocabulary’ of construction with resistant materials and reductive processes such as carving or the results of casting with liquids.  But the use of plastic or viscous material with its shifting identity is encountered less often in our daily lives and the aesthetics of displacement seem more mysterious, Flynn’s exploration of form is not confined by the wheel but develops often asymmetrically from the rhythms of throwing, the line of the rim often being particularly important.   The soft clay forms are squeezed, indented or pinched to enhance fluidity and establish an individual identity.  Flynn’s creativity is focused in the act of working with plastic clay; any subsequent work is at its service.


Alfredo Gioventù, Torgiano Perugia


Barry Krzywicki, Talavera de La Reina, Spain

El próximo martes día 13 a las 12,30 h, tendrá lugares nuestro centro una conferencia a cargo de Barry Krzywicki, ceramista e investigador americano. En esta ocasión hará un recorrido por los centros alfareros mas representativos de la India, donde ha estado estado recientemente.
Adjunto un pdf con mas información.
Podéis hacer extensiva la invitación a todos aquellos que puedan estar interesados. Si tenéis cualquier duda al respecto no dejéis de poneos en contacto nosotros.


In Bianco e Nero, Creativity Torino


Ceramica, porcellana, gres ma anche carta… Sono diversi i materiali che compongono la mostra dentro la mostra che inaugura da Labloft il 10 novembre. In occasione della NOTTE IN BIANCO E NERO lo spazio dove è allestita l’esposizione di ritratti di Sandro Becchetti ospiterà oggetti sorprendenti, monili accattivanti, veri e propri pezzi unici in forma di gioielli che gli artisti di Creativity Oggetti, di Susanna Maffini, hanno creato appositamente per dialogare con le immagini di PROTAGONISTI – 99 PERSONAGGI CHE HANNO FATTO LA STORIA.
Silvia Beccaria, Ana Hagopian, Pastore e Bovina, Luca Tripaldi e Maria Diana sono artisti che provengono dalle più disparate esperienze professionali - teatro, grafica, architettura e design - oltre che da luoghi geograficamente distanti come Buenos Aires, Torino e Bologna ma sono accomunati dalla ricerca del particolare, dalla ricchezza degli spunti creativi e dalla curiosità insaziabile che li porta ad esplorare nuovi percorsi legati al design e all’innovazione.

CreativityOggetti Via Mazzini, 29/e 10123 Torino (TO) ITALY
t.+39 011 8177864 -
orari lun15.30-19.30 mar-sab10.00-13.00 15.30-19.30 gio10-19.30


Susan Beiner: Organic Dissolution

SUSAN BEINER: Organic Dissolution
October 13 - November 21, 2012

Clay Art Center, located in Port Chester, New York, presents Organic Dissolution,  a solo exhibition of artist Susan Beiner.
The installation created by a mass of porcelain flowers emerges from the center of the room, this incredibly white garden refers to artificially manipulated nature and how we manipulate the natural world.

In conjunction with the exhibit, Susan Beiner will lead a one-day demonstration workshop  on Saturday, October 13 from 10am-5pm entitled  “Synthetic Reality: Altering Nature with Susan Beiner.”

Clay Art Center
40 Beech Street
Port Chester, NY 10573
Gallery/Office Hours:
Monday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm


Keith Harrison residency at the Vand A

Keith Harrison is doing a six month residency at the Victoria and Albert museum London. During this time, until march 2013, you will have the chance to meet the artist on open studio days and participate to various interesting activities...
Just love it !

Victoria and Albert Museum

If you love ceramics and are interested in the transformative potential of clay, meet our Artist in Residence Keith Harrison this Saturday 3 November and see his work in progress. 13.00 – 16.00


Jill Fanshawe Kato @ Talavera

La Escuela de Arte de Talavera dentro de su programa de actividades culturales y educativas, recibe en esta ocasión a la ceramista británica Jill Fanshawe Kato.
Durante este mes de Noviembre, Jill realizará su trabajo en las de la Escuela, lo que permitirá a los alumnos enriquecer su formación mediante la observación, intercambio de ideas y colaboración con esta artista.

Jill Fanshawe Kato is visiting the Escuela de Arte de Talavera in Spain, during the month of November she will be working within the walls of the school.
A conference is schedule for the 6th of November
