To Another Shore, 2009 SOFA CHICAGO 2010 Perimeter Gallery, Chicago IL
E' di nuovo il momento del mitico Sofa che in questa edizione autunnale è ospite della bella e fredda Chicago. Le gallerie presenti sono tante e potete guardarveli sul sito. Durante il Sofa vengono organizzate anche mostre e conferenze, vediamo di cosa si parlerà.
BAM Biennial 2010: Clay Throwdown!
porterà l'attenzione sul lavoro degli artisti contemporanei dell'area del nordovest Pacifico. Stefano Catalani, direttore del Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM), Bellevue, WA, ci porterà attraverso il lavoro dei 34 artisti selezionati quest'anno.
Si parlerà del lavoro di Karen Karnes, celebre ceramista americana, con Peter Held and Mark Shapiro in occasione della stampa di un libro edito da quest'ultimo su questa artista A Chosen Path: The Ceramic Art of Karen Karnes
Karen Karnes, Lacoste Gallery
La Archie Bray Foundation, festeggia i suoi 60 anni di eccellenza con una mostra dal titolo 2011: From the Center to the Edge, 60 Years of Creativity and Innovation at the Archie Bray Foundation.
E per finire in mostra i gigateschi sarcofagi di Gerry Eskin che abitano uno sfondo fotografico di immagini di formazioni geologiche.
Here we are, time for Sofa Chicago. Many galleries, lots of artists that you can check on their site, and lots of other interesting things will be going on from th 5th. Let's have a look:
BAM Biennial 2010: Clay Throwdown!
The BAM Biennial, a juried exhibition at the Bellevue Arts Museum (BAM), Bellevue, WA brings attention and exposure to the work of contemporary artists in the Pacific Northwest. The Museum designates a concentration for each exhibition whether it is a specific medium, technique, process, or theme; the focus of this year’s exhibition is clay. Stefano Catalani, director of curatorial affairs/artistic director at Bellevue Arts Museum, looks at the work of the 34 artists selected for the inaugural exhibition.
Dirk Staschke
Bellevue Arts Museum
Courtesy of Wexler Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
The Fab Five
Archie Bray FoundationIn 2011, the Archie Bray Foundation in Helena, MT will celebrate 60 years of leadership in the international ceramics community; and will commemorate the anniversary with the exhibit, 2011: From the Center to the Edge, 60 Years of Creativity and Innovation at the Archie Bray Foundation. The exhibit at SOFA features the work of Bray artists that will participate in the 60th anniversary exhibition.
A Chosen Path:
The Ceramic Art of Karen KarnesRenowned ceramic artist Karen Karnes has created some of the most iconic pottery of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Peter Held and Mark Shapiro will provide insights into her work. Shapiro has been a studio potter for nearly three decades and is the editor of the newly-released monograph, A Chosen Path: The Ceramic Art of Karen Karnes, published by University of North Carolina Press.
In artist Gerry Eskin’s world, big is best. His ceramic works include towering columnar forms and massive anthropomorphic vessels informed by Middle Eastern sarcophagi. Eskin’s large-scale panoramic prints depict the spectacular geological formations and desert landscape vistas near Moab, Utah. Monumental in scale, the ceramic pieces and photographic panels create an environmental installation exploring sacred mountain landscapes and their relation to burial rituals.