CV: 5 Parole che descrivano le tue opere
OM: Natura, struttura, armonia, essenza, conflitto
CV: Che aspetto della tua personalità ti è più utile nel tuo lavoro?
OM: L'introspezione

OM: Mi sono innamorata della ceramica visitando il Giardino dei Tarocchi creato a Capalbio da Niki de Saint Phalle, ma dalla prima volta che ho visto i suoi pezzi non riesco a resistere alle ceramiche di Emmanuel Boos
CV: Da cosa trai ispirazione?
OM: Dalle emozioni create dall'ambiente in cui vivo
CV: Se potessi scegliere dove vivere/lavorare nel mondo, dove andresti?
OM: Considero Londra la mia città anche se vivo in italia, ma mi piacerebbe fare un'esperienza in Brasile, trovo molto interessante quello che questo paese sta producendo nell'arte e nel design.
rispondete qui
Sometimes it's interesting to stop and think about what we do and why we do it. So I created 5 quick questions that speak about ourselves and our practice. Here are my answers, let me know yours.
CV:Five words that describe your work
OM: Nature, structure, harmony, essence, conflict
CV: What aspect of your personality is more useful in your practice?
OM: It has to be introspection
OM: It has to be introspection
CV: What is your favourite ceramic piece ever?
OM: I fell in love with ceramics after a visit at Niki de Saint Phalle's Tarot Garden, but since I saw them I have a terrible weakness for Emmanuel Boos's ceramics
OM: I fell in love with ceramics after a visit at Niki de Saint Phalle's Tarot Garden, but since I saw them I have a terrible weakness for Emmanuel Boos's ceramics
CV: Where do you get your inspiration from?
OM: From the emotions caused by the world around me
OM: From the emotions caused by the world around me
CV: If you could choose where to live/work in the world, where would you go?
OM: I consider London "my city" even if I'm living in Rome (at the moment), but I'd love to experience the saudade of Brazil, I think that the country is producing very interesting things in art and design
answer here
OM: I consider London "my city" even if I'm living in Rome (at the moment), but I'd love to experience the saudade of Brazil, I think that the country is producing very interesting things in art and design
answer here
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