30 Settembre-13 Novembre 2011
Torna la BCB, Stoke on Trent centro della ceramica inglese, si sta preparando per settembre. Sono on-line le richieste per partecipare le occasioni sono diverse, purtroppo alcune sono riservate esclusivamente agli "inglesi". Sul sito sono presenti tutte le informazioni, credo che partecipare anche solo da volontario sia una bellissima esperienza.
Deadline 13 Marzo
Qui i vincitori della passata edizione

Funding has now been secured from Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Arts Council England and the
Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The BCB team has come back together with an exciting three year
programme of BCB projects and programming for the second Biennial Festival, which will take
place from 30 September to 13 November this year.
The 2011 Festival programme is every bit as ambitious as in 2009. BCB projects include
residencies, fellowships, commissions, learning and inclusion and business start-ups. And the six
week Biennial Festival will be a series of high profile exhibitions including ‘Award’ at the Potteries Museum & Art Gallery - rewarding and promoting the best in contemporary practice with an overall award of £10,000 and ‘Fresh’ - featuring forty of the brightest graduates from the UK’s Higher Education sector; further exhibitions and installations and a range of activities at the former Spode site; plus workshops, talks and tours across the City.
Look out for their 2011 festival programme soon at www.britishceramicsbiennial.com where
opportunities for artists are already available. And if you are interested in volunteering
please let them know.
here some winners of the 2009 edition