Bertozzi e Casoni. Timeless

Bertozzi & Casoni. Timeless
25 gennaio - 19 maggio 2013
Al Museum Beelden aan Zee dell’Aia, una selezione di 21 opere tra le più significative dal 1997 ad oggi.Con tecnica perfetta e seducente e con una immaginazione fantastica a volte glaciale e a volte intrisa di caustico humor, Bertozzi & Casoni indagano, da anni, il disastro contemporaneo sapendolo, però, ricollegare alla grande tradizione dell’arte e a temi iconografici quali la vanitas e il memento mori.
Con una ceramica portata a dimensioni anche colossali e della quale vengono mirabilmente sfruttate le capacità mimetiche, gli artisti sono diventati i più autorevoli cantori di una inedita “epopea del trash” in cui da quanto è più negletto, dimenticato o rifiutato germogliano algide bellezze.
Maestri del dubbio e del “forse”, Bertozzi & Casoni evitano accuratamente ogni ipotesi di chiave sociologica, religiosa o filosofica, in quanto ritenute banalmente risolutive e lenitive, e invitano, piuttosto, a meditare e a credere nelle “bugie dell’arte”.
Sfida della loro arte: trasformare la più piccola scintilla di vita in epifania eterna.
 Bertozzi & Casoni
The Italian artist duo Bertozzi & Casoni (Giampaolo Bertozzi, Bologna 1957 and Stefano Dal Monte Casoni, Ravenna 1961) combine socially critical and philosophical themes with highly attractive figurative sculptures. Through their colour and material choices, their sculptures verge on kitsch. They developed a technique in the late nineties which enables them to create extremely large ceramic works. The colossal but fragile sculptures are overpowering and prompt observers to contemplate life and death, nature and culture, art and kitsch.


So this is Christmas

Dear readers it's that time again, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
May your time be filled with love and passion and creativity.
Among the cards I received I found a vey inspiring from Art Aura magazine:
  • Preserve your optimism, every cloud has a silver lining,
  • Pursue your goals resolutely because perseverance is the secret of success,
  • Never abandon your ideals even if you can never fully attain them,
  • Remain healthy – your good health largely depends on you and your lifestyle,
  • Never allow yourself to become annoyed by things that you cannot change,
  • Also follow suggestions that aren’t to your taste – they’re often the best ones,
  • Stay open for newness, even though you’re already a year older.
couldn't agree more !



1,2,3...stella Torino


Paolo Polloniato


Jerome Galvin at Accro Terre

Jérôme Galvin et ses invités, Alice Mulliez et Full Mano
« Vous êtes mûrs »
du 27 novembre au 22 décembre 2012
vernissage en présence de l'artiste le 27 nov. 15h-22h.

Etre filmé en permanence est certainement une expérience inquiétante. Le moindre mot est enregistré et peut être décontextualisé au détriment de son auteur. Est-ce la raison pour laquelle Jérôme Galvin a exploré, pour son exposition préparée à la suite de sa participation à l’émission « Tous pour l’Art » diffusée actuellement sur Arte, des éléments composant la maison avec d’un côté la cheminée, de l’autre le toit, sa gargouille, plus loin des briques dans un souci compréhensible de protection ?

Accro Terre Galerie
11 rue Emile Lepeu, Paris, France

Great exhibition at Accro Terre Galerie in Paris, have a look at the images on the fb page


Ceramica Psichedelica

Video Psichedelico del Museo della ceramica di Montelupo Fiorentino
Bella idea !



Alfredo Gioventù


Goldmark Gallery

Goldmark Gallery,
14 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9SQ, UK


JAPANESE CRAFT at Erskine, Hall & Coe

JAPANESE CRAFT at Erskine, Hall & Coe

The exhibition is fully illustrated on the website.

Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd, 15 Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4SP
+44 (0) 20 7491 1706 | |

Open 10am - 6pm, Monday to Saturday until Friday 21st of December.
Exhibition continues in 2013 from 2nd of January until the 10th.


Pizzi Cannella, Mic Faenza

Le Atmosfere di Piero Pizzi Cannella
Oltre 70 pezzi tra ceramiche e grandi disegni in mostra al Mic di Faenza
dal 18 gennaio al 17 marzo 2013

Oltre 70 pezzi, tra ceramica e grandi disegni di Piero Pizzi Cannella, occuperanno gli spazi del MIC dal prossimo 18 gennaio fino al 17 marzo 2013 in una mostra dal titolo “Atmosfere”.
Il nome di Piero Pizzi Cannella (Roma 1955) è legato ad un ambito strettamente pittorico dagli anni Ottanta, con il gruppo di giovani del Pastificio Cerere (con Nunzio, Ceccobelli, Dessì, Gallo, Tirelli). La ripresa della pittura, teorizzata da Bonito Oliva con la Transavanguardia, accentua il loro interesse per una progettualità legata alla materia, inizialmente con connotati astratti- informale. Pizzi Cannella, tra studi accademici e filosofici, si colloca in una poetica che pone grande attenzione ai temi dell’umano, del viaggio antropologico, del sogno, supportati da una ideale vibrante cromia di toni caldi accostati a profondi neri.
Questi elementi si ritrovano nella produzione ceramica, ideata nel 2008, a seguito della mostra “Chinatown” e realizzata dal 2009 grazie al supporto tecnico della Bottega Gatti di Faenza, ed esposta per la prima volta al Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza. “Grandi vasi dalle ampie forme diventano supporto per il gesto pittorico che si misura con le difficoltà della forma tridimensionale e diventano stimolo per varcare preconcetti e sperimentare nuove modalità di approccio alla materia”, afferma la curatrice Claudia Casali, direttrice del MIC.

La mostra è realizzata in collaborazione con la Galleria Otto di Bologna, grazie al supporto della Banca di Romagna di Faenza. Catalogo Gli Ori, Prato.


Christmas's Events

Christmas at Contemporary Ceramics Centre, where you will find British ceramics at its best

 With over 80 makers on display, discover function and beauty, teacups and statement pieces. 
10 new artists will be showing their work in the gallery during the Christmas period, adding to the already exceptional selection of studio ceramics on display. Inspiration to find the perfect gift or to treat yourself.

Goldmark Gallery, 14 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9SQ, UK

This is my fiftieth year as a shopkeeper and for the majority of that time I have been here in Uppingham. I continue to derive huge pleasure from the art but the real joy still comes from meeting and talking to you. Thank you again for your support and custom. I am also extraordinarily lucky to be able to work with such a great team and to have my eldest son Jay take over as MD this year. I hope you find something in our Christmas selection to interest you and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Les Ateliers galerie de L’ô vous convient en collaboration avec Caroline Andrin, An van den Abbeele, Pascale de Visscher, Rebecca Maeder, Marit kathriner, Sophie Ronse, Marie Chantelot, Masamy Yamamoto, Elisabetta Gendre, Tjok Dessauvage, Dorothée loriquet, Virginie Besengez, Nathalie Doyen, Laetitia Lefevre,… à notre
“One day ceramics exhibition” 22/12/12 de 11H00 à 18H00
Les Ateliers galerie de L'Ô  asbl
Rue de L'Eau, 56a _1190 Forest  Belgique  
Tel: +32.495.28.71.74


Scuola Internazionale di Ceramica
Sabato 8 e Sabato 15 Dicembre 2012
Ore 14.00 - 19.00, Loc. Bagnano, 135 Certaldo (Fi)
Troverete bellissima ceramica da tavola o decorativa e...
vere occasioni sul tavolo delle seconde scelte.
Non mancheranno inoltre accessori etnici e profumi naturali provenienti direttamente dall'India.
Vin Brulé per tutti!
Il ricavato delle vendite delle seconde scelte sarà devoluto all'organizzazione umanitaria AfrikaSi impegnata in progetti in Kenya.


Point of Departure, RCA, London

Point of Departure
Great Western Studios 
Exhibition runs: 27th Nov - 4th Dec 2012

I have a weak spor for the RCA students, their work is never disappointing ...
Here is a great chance to see 2nd yr students from the ceramic and glass department, these are some images of Cristina Vezzini's works.
Point of Departure presents an opportunity to view work by second year master’s students from the Royal College of Art’s celebrated Ceramics and Glass programme at a pivotal point in development.
The programme itself has been described as a site for discursive practice, where cultural, social, personal, historical and aesthetic concerns intersect. An overarching belief that the skills of making and thinking can develop in tandem, and that the made object is a vehicle for expression that can engage with the individual and society, lies behind much of its students’ output. 
The artists do not see ceramics and glass merely as a fixed set of media, instead prizing and celebrating diversity and breadth whilst embracing connections.
As work in progress, Point of Departure includes eighteen individual artists’ investigations taking form. It gives a rare insight into the thinking behind the works at this ‘point of departure’. The exhibition reflects recent discoveries within the students’ artistic journeys as they establish individual identities.

The work itself covers a wide spectrum – from design for manufacture, the unique art object to installation. Themes being dealt with range from the body, the domestic and the architectural, at the core of which is material understanding.
Helle Bjerregaard
Rachel Hopkins
Sabina Stumberger
Kane Cali                                   
Rosanna Martin                                   
Ester Svensson
Kevin Callaghan                       
Enrique Perezalba Red                                    
Luke Twigger           
Eunghan Choi                           
Helena Plado                                               
Cristina Vezzini
Olivia Fink                                   
Shane Porter                                               
Jonathan Wade
Lydia Hardwick                       
Mella Shaw                                               
Yiru Wang

Great Western Studios
65 Alfred Road London W2 5EU
 t. 020 7221 0100 fx. 020 7221 0200


Art Jewels, Milano

Officine Saffi presenta una ricercata esposizione di preziosi gioielli artistici in ceramica.
L’esibizione che sarà inaugurata giovedì 29 novembre alle ore 18.30 rimarrà aperta al pubblico fino al 18 gennaio 2013.

Contemporary Art Jewels - ceramica da indossare - presenta una selezione di gioielli di 15 artisti internazionali. Propone una raffinata ricerca di gioielli contemporanei in ceramica, oggetti resi unici dall’abilità e dal genio degli artisti. Forme, colori, dettagli che stupiscono per la varietà dei risultati. Veri e propri gioielli d’arte, ceramica da indossare e da regalare.


Puls Ceramics for Christmas


Mirso Denicolò, La città verticale

Mirco Denicolò
La città Verticale - un'opera per Keramos

Sabato 24 Novembre alle ore 19.00
Keramos Associazione Culturale
Via Rubattino, 3 - Roma


Rafa Perez, beautiful video


Paolo Polloniato, Jeux de Corps


Paola Lumbroso Présente
 « Jeux de Corps »
Dominique Douieb - photographe
Paolo Polloniato  - céramiste

En présence des artistes
Galerie A.Gombert
10, rue de la Grange Batelière, 75009 Paris
Métro Richelieu-Drouot
Du lundi au samedi de 11h à 19h

contact: : 06 07 22 80 72


Winter Programme, New Ashgate Gallery,

Winter Programme of Exhibitions, New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham
Winter Contemporary Craft and Fine Art Collection
PRIVATE VIEW: 16 November, 6-8pm - all welcome!

A must see Christmas show for all novice and expert collectors of art and craft. All work is handmade, making it unique and environmentally friendly. You are sure to find a perfect gift. "Absolutely excellent!!" Rob Swift

Known for selecting contemporary craft and fine art of the highest quality and skill, the gallery has selected many of our makers at major events such as Collect, Art in Clay, Art in Action, Rising Stars and the Festival of Crafts. The exh
ibition presents both established and emerging makers, and supports their practice by ensuring their work is visible to collectors. We are delighted to introduce ceramics by Cressida Borrett; Emily Hall; Paul Jackson; Eliza Jayne Simpson; Dave Rogers; Jan Lewin- Cadogan and Matt Sherratt, and jewellery by Adele Beuscher; Annie Cracknell; Christine Davies; Kathryn Hinton and Cathy Sutherland.


Cinzia Catena a Roma

Sabato 17 novembre 2012 ore 19, verrà inaugurata a Roma la nuova mostra della ceramista Cinzia Catena, presso lo spazio d’arte Makemake (via del Boschetto 121).
La mostra rimarrà aperta sino al 30 novembre (dal martedì al sabato 10,30-13/16,30-20)
Per info: Cinzia Catena TERRACROMATA Studio d'Arte Ceramica : Via Tembien 9-13 Roma Tel.06 8607116 -3337970882


Svend Bayer at Goldmark

Svend Bayer - Artist Profile
 "Born in Uganda in 1946 to Danish parents, Svend Bayer spent his childhood in Tanganyika. It was during his time at university that Bayer discovered pottery, and a gift from his girlfriend of Bernard Leach’s A Potters Book introduced him to the pots of Michael Cardew. On leaving university Bayer wrote to Cardew, and after being invited for an interview, was taken on. Bayer took inspiration from the village potteries in Southeast Asia, streamlining their practices and using his focus and determination to produce pots at high speed to fill his huge kiln. His work is held in major collections worldwide. He has received the John Ruskin award, held workshops all over the world and had residencies in America & Australia." Goldmark Gallery Goldmark Gallery, 14 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9SQ, UK
Making Large Pots by Svend Bayer from on Vimeo.


Sara Flynn, Erskine Hall & Coe, London

14 November to 06 December

Erskine, Hall & Coe Ltd


How artists locate themselves within a wider community of practice may bring insight to their inspiration as well as some of the imperatives that sustain them.  Sara Flynn belongs to a generation of Irish ceramic artists who are confidently engaging with an international audience and whose work stylistically is far removed from the rustic traditional crafts, which are often closely associated with tourism and in Ireland are charged with a particularly powerful cultural/national identity.  It is then surprising to learn that Flynn is not from the city but works in picturesque rural isolation on the very western edge of Europe.   As many Irish have done she looks westward to the future, her work and life style being a measure of how heterogeneous craft practice has become.  Her pots are not emblematic of a rural idyll nor in any conscious way are they influenced by the visual landscape in which she works.  There is however a relationship between Flynn’s vessels and the place she chooses to make them.  It is not a topographical relationship but the quality of solitude that supports focused reflection so necessary for some kinds of art practice.

Flynn’s work reveals some of the characteristics of Hans Coper’s work; a potter she has greatly admired throughout her ceramic career.  There is an obsessive passion for clay’s unique qualities, a sustaining fascination with the “thingness” of vessels as abstract forms largely unrelated to utilitarian pots which serve our bodily needs.  Coper’s famous thought that he was: ”like a demented piano tuner seeking the perfect pitch” is an appropriate way to understand Flynn’s practice relaying as it does on just a few key element.

All Flynn’s work is thrown porcelain.  With modernist concerns such as truth to material and process we are used to ‘read’ how things are made.  We are familiar with the ‘vocabulary’ of construction with resistant materials and reductive processes such as carving or the results of casting with liquids.  But the use of plastic or viscous material with its shifting identity is encountered less often in our daily lives and the aesthetics of displacement seem more mysterious, Flynn’s exploration of form is not confined by the wheel but develops often asymmetrically from the rhythms of throwing, the line of the rim often being particularly important.   The soft clay forms are squeezed, indented or pinched to enhance fluidity and establish an individual identity.  Flynn’s creativity is focused in the act of working with plastic clay; any subsequent work is at its service.


Alfredo Gioventù, Torgiano Perugia


Barry Krzywicki, Talavera de La Reina, Spain

El próximo martes día 13 a las 12,30 h, tendrá lugares nuestro centro una conferencia a cargo de Barry Krzywicki, ceramista e investigador americano. En esta ocasión hará un recorrido por los centros alfareros mas representativos de la India, donde ha estado estado recientemente.
Adjunto un pdf con mas información.
Podéis hacer extensiva la invitación a todos aquellos que puedan estar interesados. Si tenéis cualquier duda al respecto no dejéis de poneos en contacto nosotros.


In Bianco e Nero, Creativity Torino


Ceramica, porcellana, gres ma anche carta… Sono diversi i materiali che compongono la mostra dentro la mostra che inaugura da Labloft il 10 novembre. In occasione della NOTTE IN BIANCO E NERO lo spazio dove è allestita l’esposizione di ritratti di Sandro Becchetti ospiterà oggetti sorprendenti, monili accattivanti, veri e propri pezzi unici in forma di gioielli che gli artisti di Creativity Oggetti, di Susanna Maffini, hanno creato appositamente per dialogare con le immagini di PROTAGONISTI – 99 PERSONAGGI CHE HANNO FATTO LA STORIA.
Silvia Beccaria, Ana Hagopian, Pastore e Bovina, Luca Tripaldi e Maria Diana sono artisti che provengono dalle più disparate esperienze professionali - teatro, grafica, architettura e design - oltre che da luoghi geograficamente distanti come Buenos Aires, Torino e Bologna ma sono accomunati dalla ricerca del particolare, dalla ricchezza degli spunti creativi e dalla curiosità insaziabile che li porta ad esplorare nuovi percorsi legati al design e all’innovazione.

CreativityOggetti Via Mazzini, 29/e 10123 Torino (TO) ITALY
t.+39 011 8177864 -
orari lun15.30-19.30 mar-sab10.00-13.00 15.30-19.30 gio10-19.30


Susan Beiner: Organic Dissolution

SUSAN BEINER: Organic Dissolution
October 13 - November 21, 2012

Clay Art Center, located in Port Chester, New York, presents Organic Dissolution,  a solo exhibition of artist Susan Beiner.
The installation created by a mass of porcelain flowers emerges from the center of the room, this incredibly white garden refers to artificially manipulated nature and how we manipulate the natural world.

In conjunction with the exhibit, Susan Beiner will lead a one-day demonstration workshop  on Saturday, October 13 from 10am-5pm entitled  “Synthetic Reality: Altering Nature with Susan Beiner.”

Clay Art Center
40 Beech Street
Port Chester, NY 10573
Gallery/Office Hours:
Monday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm


Keith Harrison residency at the Vand A

Keith Harrison is doing a six month residency at the Victoria and Albert museum London. During this time, until march 2013, you will have the chance to meet the artist on open studio days and participate to various interesting activities...
Just love it !

Victoria and Albert Museum

If you love ceramics and are interested in the transformative potential of clay, meet our Artist in Residence Keith Harrison this Saturday 3 November and see his work in progress. 13.00 – 16.00


Jill Fanshawe Kato @ Talavera

La Escuela de Arte de Talavera dentro de su programa de actividades culturales y educativas, recibe en esta ocasión a la ceramista británica Jill Fanshawe Kato.
Durante este mes de Noviembre, Jill realizará su trabajo en las de la Escuela, lo que permitirá a los alumnos enriquecer su formación mediante la observación, intercambio de ideas y colaboración con esta artista.

Jill Fanshawe Kato is visiting the Escuela de Arte de Talavera in Spain, during the month of November she will be working within the walls of the school.
A conference is schedule for the 6th of November


Edmund De Waal, 1000 hours

Alan Cristea Gallery is pleased to present a thousand hours, an exhibition of 11 new ceramic installations by Edmund de Waal which will be shown at 31 & 34 Cork Street from 6 October until 10 November 2012.

1000 thrown porcelain vessels, some glazed in celadon and white, some unglazed, within a pair of aluminium vitrines with transparent and translucent acrylic
Each vitrine 243.5 × 75 × 210 cm
 Overall dimensions 243.5 × 210 × 210 cm

I love Edmund De Waal, there I admit it. He is just the best !
He is subtle, quiet, calm while producing work that is powerful and grand (in a subtle kind of way), always the same and always different ...he is a naturally sophisticated potter (in an unpretenscious, subtle, quiet, calm kind of way )


Masaki Hattori CV's 6

CV: 5 Parole che descrivano le tue opere.
MH: Eredità, Congerie (mucchio di cose alla rinfusa) Impronta, Toccante,Rinascita

CV: Che aspetto della tua personalità ti è più utile nel tuo lavoro?
work n1
MH: Flessibilità e pazienza

CV: Qual'e il tuo pezzo in ceramica preferito?
MH: works 01 

CV: Da cosa trai ispirazione?
MH: Le cose che sono al di fuori di me. A volte grandi a volte piccole, e quello che c'è dentro di me a volte dormiente
CV: Se potessi scegliere dove vivere/lavorare nel mondo, dove andresti?
MH: Italy

CV: Il tuo migliore e peggiore momento ceramico
MH: Quando sono stato in grado di vedere la bellezza. Il peggiore... non esiste.

Masaki's website

CV: Five words that describe your work
MH: Legacy, Clutter, Impression, Touching, Rebirth

CV: What aspect of your personality is more useful in your practice?
MH: Flexibility and patience

CV: What is your favourite ceramic piece of all times ?
MH: Work n. 1

CV: Where do you get your inspiration from?
MH: All that exists outside of me. Sometimes small, sometimes large ones. and the inside of me, something that have been asleep.
CV: If you could choose where to live/work in the world, where would you go?
MH: Italy

CV: Your best and worst ceramic moment
MH: My best...when I was able to see the beauty within, worst...doesen't exist.

Masaki Hattori hold the solo exibition at KYOTO in JAPAN.

- Inheritance -


It presents a simple shape created by 54 objects that looks like a container sealed.
The object is made by ceramics and the surface is covered with a mixture of clay and the alloy.
It melted and remained.


Martha Pachon, corso a Milano

Corso presso il Laboratorio Officine Saffi, Milano


Contemporary Tableware , by Linda Bloomfield

Contemporary Tableware , by Linda Bloomfield

Available from January 2013

Tableware has occupied a special place in our kitchens and dining rooms for thousands of years, and continues to enchant us today. Ranging from the purely functional to the fine and delicate, the evolution of domestic pots tells us much about our changing tastes and habits, and the wider art and cultural movements that have influenced their decoration and forms. In Contemporary Tableware, maker Linda Bloomfield looks at the history of the pots on our tables, from Sung Chinese and Medieval English ware to the revival of studio pottery and the influence of Scandinavian, American and Japanese design. She goes on to examine common forms in contemporary tableware, including teapots, bowls, cups, jugs and plates, and to explain the elements of form, function and beauty in each. Lavishly illustrated with examples from contemporary studio pottery and industry, as well as making images from working potters, this book is the essential guide to modern tableware for potters, designers and buyers


When I Woke, ceramics in Wales

Sophie Woodrow
Taking its title from the evocative poem by Dylan Thomas, ‘When I Woke’ explores the human condition. Curated by Claire Curneen and Lowri Davies ‘When I woke’ will feature work by Sam Bakewell, Audrius Janušonis, James Page, Lina Peterson, Tamsin Van Essen and Sophie Woodrow and examine the themes of life, death, sorrow and myth as seen through the eyes of these international makers.

until the 17th of November
Dylan Thomas once claimed "I hold a beast, an angel, and a madman in me, and my enquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, downthrow and upheaval, and my effort is their self-expression"

We are delighted to present these artists of national and international standing at Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre and hope that When I Woke will challenge the viewer to engage with an idea that can stimulate passionate conversation and debate.


"Cancer Cell" by Tamsin van Essen.


Beth Cavener Stichter at La Meridiana

Wonderful chance to meet this great artist !
Una conferenza e incontro per conoscere una artista dalla forza espressiva immediata ed esplosiva.
Presenterà immagini delle sue opere e ne illustrerà l'evoluzione dal punto di vista concettuale, tecnico e psicologico.
Nel pomeriggio, presso La Meridiana, Scuola Internazionale d'Arte Ceramica,
l'artista sarà lieta di esporre e parlare dell'opera su cui sta lavorando attualmente
nel suo soggiorno come artista in residenza.
Domenica 21 ottobre 2012 

10.30 - 12.30 Conferenza a Certaldo Alto - Chiesa di San Tommaso
14.30 - 16.30 Studio aperto a La Meridiana, località Bagnano 135 - Certaldo
Questo evento è organizzato da La Meridiana - Concreta - Comune di Certaldo

La Meridiana
Loc. Bagnano, 135 - 50052 Certaldo (Italy) - Telefono/Fax +39 0571 660084 -


Workshops, Italy

Bologna - Associazione Belle Arti,
17 e 18 novembre.
Roma -  KERAMOS Associazione Culturale,
24 e 25 novembre
(339.1991466 - 346.1416152)


Maude Schneider

Aussi percutant qu’esthétique,

les installations céramique de Maude Schneider, dénoncent les réalités sociales avec élégance.

Parodie et sarcasme sont ses langages plastiques de prédilection.

FROM 08/11/12 UNTIL 01/12/12
OPENING 08/11/12 from 18:00 to 21:00
FINISHING 01/12/12 from 18:00 to 21:00
Open thu 17:00 to 20:00  fri/ sat 14:00 to 18:00

Les Ateliers galerie de L'Ô  asbl
Rue de L'Eau, 56a _1190 Forest  Belgique  


Ceramiche del Monaco, Milano
